Thank You For The Rain: 16-18 Geography

Thank You For the Rain - Doc Academy
Thank You For the Rain - Doc Academy




Short (1-4 activities)

This two lesson geography series for students aged 16 18 touches upon core geographical themes including the role of carbon and water cycles in shaping our environment and how humans both drive and mitigate against environmental change. The lessons use documentary extracts to examine these processes from the point of view of a Kenyan farmer-turned-climate activist. Demonstrating the interlinked nature of physical and human processes, this resource could be used as a segue between the core themes of water and carbon cycles and global governance. 

Lesson One - Why is Kisilu Obsessed with Planting Trees? 

Uses Kisilu's story to focus on the links between the carbon and water cycles and the role of feedback mechanisms in Kitui county, Kenya. Students will require some prior knowledge of the how these cycles work before embarking on this lesson. 

Lesson Objective: 

  • To identify links between the water and carbon cycles, using climate as a key context for exploring these linkages.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 3: Planting Trees

Lesson Two - Will the World Help Kisilu? 

Encourages students to assess the role global agreements play in mitigating against the effects of rising CO2 levels and climate change whilst also considering what this may mean for farmers such as Kisilu. 

Lesson Objective:  

  • To assess attempts to govern the atmosphere at a global scale.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 6: Kisilu's Speech 

This resource includes

Doc Academy

This Resource Supports

  • Citizenship
  • English
  • Geography
  • Media Studies
  • Politics
  • PSHE Education

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We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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"All of the activities were enjoyed and engaged the children. As a teacher the resources and activities were easy to use and covered a lot of skills. It is a valuable and engaging way to teach and learn literacy. "