Case Study: John Paul Academy

Teacher Michael Daly reveals how his film club uses Into Film's resources to great effect.

Michael Daly, John Paul Academy
Michael Daly, John Paul Academy

We use Into Film resources to great effect. We have tailored resources to meet the needs of our highest achieving pupils and those who require scaffolded support, using Into Film's ideas as the framework for our personalised learning experience.

The resources blend flawlessly into the English secondary course and we also use them to complement other areas of the curriculum. For example, the Inside Out resource provided a wide array of personal writing stimulus for our lower school. Using the film as a context allowed our young people to engage with their thoughts and feelings, which can present a challenge. The film provided the pathway for pupils to immerse themselves within the topic and produced outstanding results.

As English teachers we are constantly seeking ways to promote literature within our classrooms. Into Film's Book To Film resource has enabled us to forge tangible links between page and screen to capture the imagination of our pupils. We use it alongside adventurous adaptations, such as JawsPercy Jackson and The Hobbit, to illustrate literature's place in the creative process.

Macbeth Power Players has been our favourite resource for classroom teaching, as Macbeth is a text that we teach at Higher level. To ensure continuity and challenge, we used the resource as a principal text in our Media Studies class. This ensured that pupils were accessing a challenging text, just in a different format, with shared themes and character arcs. The impact was to promote engagement for pupils who had previously ruled out challenging texts as being "just too hard", helping pupils to find their way and thus bridging the gap in attainment.

We have used Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition to help pupils engage with the fundamentals of storytelling and how to translate ideas into the filmmaking process. The resource provides simple and straightforward instructions about shot breakdowns and explores the different roles within filmmaking. This provided a framework that pupils then applied to their own film, a re-telling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Michael's Top 5 Recommended Resources

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