Forgotten Username or Password

If you have forgotten your login details, we can help you recover your username and/or change your password easily. 

1. On the log in page, tap 'Forgotten username or password'.

Login screen of Into Film

2. Whether you are trying to change your username or password, you will need to enter your email address here and hit the 'Send Reset Email' button.

Please ensure that you're using the email address your Into Film Account is registered with.

Re-set password by entering email address.

3. You will see a message confirming that a reset password email has been sent to the email address you provided. 

If the email doesn't appear, please check your junk mail folder. If you still can't find it, please contact

Email sent confirmation screen for resetting password.

4. Once you've received your email, you will see that the second line reveals what your username is. If you're not sure, look at where the arrow points on the image below - this will be your username.

If a reminder of your username was all you needed, you can now log in using this without resetting your password.

If you also need to reset your password, click on the long link in the email, and you will be prompted to create a new password.

Re-set Password Email

5. If you clicked on the link in the email you will be given the opportunity to create a new password. Input your new password into both fields. You can click 'show typing' to make sure you've typed it the same both times.

Once you've created your new password, hit the 'Update Password' button.

You will then be returned to the Into Film website as a logged in user. You'll be able to see your details from the My Account drop down in the top right corner of any page.

Login screen of Into Film
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