This remake of a Norwegian thriller sees a cop, unable to sleep in the persistent Alaskan summer light, become increasingly vulnerable to a killer.
Age group16+ years
Duration113 mins
This is an amazing film in my opion. I made a referance to Death to smoochy, mainly because we watched it before insomnia and Robin Williams is the main antaganist in Death to smoochy. my comment was 'finally rainbow randolph has made up his mind about being good or evil'. This film should be more recognised as an awesome film that it is.
Print this reviewA highly disturbing, but superbly made David Fincher film about a real-life killer who struck terror into San Francisco during the late 1960s.
Read MoreA private detective believes he is investigating a straight-up adultery case when he stumbles onto something much bigger.
Read MoreThriller about a former insurance investigator suffering an extreme form of amnesia and trying to uncover the truth about his wife's murder.
Read MoreWhen legendary director Werner Herzog journeys to Antarctica, the people he meets there are just as fascinating as the wildlife.
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