Vibrant Japanese animation about a young hat-maker who is transformed into an old lady by a witch jealous of her relationship with the...
Duration119 mins
Review by
I kind of liked this film, probably because I only watched half the film, I didn't get what was happening the part which i saw.
My favourite character is the dog because he looks like a pig and sounds like a pig, which made me laugh, My least favourite character is the black blob things, weird,creepy,disgusting - i felt uncomfortable looking at them. My favourite part is when the dog is outside the door going around in circles, as he didn'know what direction he wanted to go.
My least favourite part was when bombs were being dropped onto the village,it was nervos to watch,but I couldn't wait to see how Sophie turned young and saved the village, with Howl.
The colours in the film were colourful and bright, the music fitted the film very well due to the circurmtances, like the bombing scences. I would recommend this film to children ages 7+, because of the sad circurmtance , but adults would have understand the story of the film because I didn't. A 3 rated film by me.