Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
105 minutes
Korean (English subtitles)
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This brilliantly eccentric romantic comedy tells the story of a bored, young female factory worker who one day, following a bizarre close encounter with a radio aerial, comes to believe that she has been transformed into a cyborg. Naturally enough, this leads to a stay in a psychiatric hospital where she meets a collection of people with a wide variety of symptoms, experiences some imaginatively weird fantasies and makes friends with a patient who has found a cunning way of helping out those around him.
This film has a few uses of strong bad language and strong violence.
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A troubled teenager begins to see a giant and sinister rabbit, who tells him to commit crimes.
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An unfinished humanoid created by an old inventor attempts to fit in within his new suburban surroundings.
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A heartwarming and charisma-packed story about a young woman who decides her mission in life is to spread happiness.
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