Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
98 minutes
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Even though she has a boyfriend, teenager Megan just isn't that into him. In fact, her uptight family and high school friends actually think she's a lesbian and stage an intervention, sending her to a rehabilitation centre to 'cure' her. However, things don't go as planned and whilst there Megan discovers that she really is gay. An unconventional and outrageously styled comedy, it tackles homophobia and sexuality in a way that doesn't preach. A lighthearted take on a serious subject, this is a modern camp classic.
Contains occasional coarse language and strong sex references.
Find out more on the BBFC website
Cult classic musical comedy in which a moody tough guy falls for a clean-cut girl, setting the Drapes subculture against the Squares.
Outrageous yet genial comedy, about Tracy, a "pleasantly plump" teen who refuses to let the prejudices of others stand in the way of her fun.
Romantic drama about the problems facing 16-year-old Mona and Tamsin, who fall in love during a summer in Yorkshire.
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