Into Film Clubs
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97 minutes
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Ambition, lust, betrayal and revenge: politics is far from dull in this intense and quick-witted thriller, directed by and co-starring George Clooney. A well-acted morality tale, it follows suave US governor Mike Morris (George Clooney) and his dedicated staff as they try to drum up support for his presidential candidacy. Idealistic young press spokesman Stephen Meyers (Ryan Gosling) is particularly impressed by his boss, believing him to be a figure of such integrity that he turns down a cushy job offer from Morris's rival. But as a scoop-hungry journalist tells him, no politician is perfect: a fact that's proven in spades when Meyers is seduced by an intern with an explosive secret and becomes the pawn in a seriously twisted power game.
Satire of the ruthlessness of TV companies from the '70s, about a newsreader having a meltdown who is sacked, then re-hired to help ratings.
70s classic about the two journalists who uncovered the Watergate scandal which brought down a presidency.
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