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93 minutes






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A believer in fairytales and a lover of nature, Eldra is different from her classmates. In her village in North Wales, most of the families work in the local quarry, but Eldra’s mother and father are Romany gypsies living in the grounds of the castle where her father works as a gamekeeper. Fascinated by Eldra’s free spirit, her school friend Robert is determined to get to know her better, but his brother’s snobbish attitude towards her family doesn’t make it easy. Based on the childhood memories of famous Welsh gypsy, Eldra Roberts, this is an interesting and enchanting tale of the history and survival of Romany traditions in Wales. Y mae Eldra yn wahanol i blant eraill, mae’n mwynhau credu mewn straeon tylwyth teg ac mae’n caru byd natur. Mae mwyafrif y bobl sy’n byw yn ei chymuned yng Ngogledd Cymru yn gweithio yn y chwarel, ond sipsiwn Romani yw teulu Eldra, sy’n byw ar dir y castell lle mae’i thad yn giper. Wedi’i hudo gan ysbryd rhydd Eldra, mae ei ffrind ysgol, Robert, yn benderfynol o ddod i wybod mwy amdani, er gwaetha snobyddiaeth ei frawd tuag ati hi a’i theulu. Ffilm sy’n seiliedig ar atgofion y sipsi enwog o Gymru, Eldra Roberts, yw hon. Y mae’n stori ddiddorol a swynol am hanes a brwydr y traddodiadau Romani i oroesi yng Nghymru.


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PG Classification

This film contains mild language and a few distressing animal images.

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