Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
83 minutes
Crime, Drama, Thriller
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The first British 'talkie' (a silent version was simultaneously filmed for cinemas without sound technology), this landmark film is a typically Hitchcockian tale of ordinary people discovering just what dark deeds they are capable of. To spite her policeman boyfriend, shopgirl Alice White rashly visits the flat of an artist, who attacks her. She defends herself with lethal force, then flees the scene of the crime. Hitchcock skilfully plays with our sympathies, prefiguring his later, greatest films, while his use of sound to ratchet up the tension rather than just to convey meaning is well ahead of its time. Essential viewing for any fan of the ‘Master of Suspense’.
Barbed satire of Hollywood ambition that follows the trials and tribulations of being a film producer.
Made in 1961, when homosexuality was still illegal in Britain, this drama sees a gay lawyer fighting against a blackmailer targeting gay London men.
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