Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
92 minutes
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In Sammy's first adventure, the effects of pollution made it difficult for the leatherback turtle to return to his birthplace. Now Sammy and his friend Ray have a new problem: poachers. While the two pals are relaxing with youngsters Ricky and Ella, they are suddenly captured and taken to an aquarium in Dubai. Though they make lots of interesting friends of various species, Sammy and Ray are desperate to escape and be reunited with their loved ones. This exciting sequel continues Sammy's incredible story while poking fun at humans and making us think about the consequences of our progress.
Magical Japanese animation about a fish who transforms into a girl after she is discovered trapped in a jar at the seashore by a young boy.
A turtle's adventures travelling around the world looking for his true love and showing the damage done to the oceans.
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The colourful world of the tropical sea is captured in all its glory in this moving and funny story of a lost fish.
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A young mermaid, eager to experience life above the ocean, falls in love with a human prince, sacrificing everything she holds dear to be with him.
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