Into Film Clubs
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106 minutes
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This energetic, low-budget and melodrama-infused musical was inspired by legendary documentary Paris is Burning and celebrates US dancehall culture, where competitors dress up to the nines in drag and fiercely vie for trophies with “vogueing” moves. After his mum kicks him out for being gay, 22-year-old Brad tries for a new sense of belonging in the raucous Los Angeles ballroom scene’s “House of Eminence” surrogate family, presided over by a formidable cross-dressing diva. He also has a love triangle to make sense of, amid song-bursts ranging from ballads through to hip-hop and house music.
Contains frequent strong language and sex references.
Find out more on the BBFC website
Classic documentary charting the history of the LGBT community before the seminal Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York.
Sensitive drama about Alex, a 15-year-old intersex person, who cannot be physically characterised as male or female but has been living as a girl.
Charming and sharp French film about a little boy who likes dressing as a girl.
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