

Film Details




108 minutes


Based on a true story, Biopics, Drama


Aboriginal / English


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Intrepid loner Robyn Davidson attempted a remarkable feat in 1977: walking across the Australian Outback with just four camels and a dog for company. She wrote about her 1,700-mile journey – which took her nine months – in a bestselling book, which has been adapted into an engrossing character drama that makes the most of the spellbinding scenery of Australia’s desert dunes. Her odyssey involves a number of challenges, including water shortages and sudden storms, and not least the obnoxious National Geographic photographer intent on documenting her adventure. The motivation for her trek is never quite clear, but it seems in part spiritual quest, as she dwells on her mother’s death.


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12 Classification

Contains strong language, bloody images, violence, sex and natural nudity.

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