Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast

Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast

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80 minutes






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Fawn is an animal-mad fairy always getting into trouble for leading with her heart, rather than her head. She knows everything about the animals living in Pixie Hollow apart from this new creature she has just discovered. Big, hairy, with green eyes and fangs, it looks pretty scary but Fawn wants to befriend it. Unfortunately when the Scout Fairies hear about the creature they realise it is the NeverBeast, a monstrous animal that could destroy Pixie Hollow if they don’t capture it. Trusting her judgement, Fawn must enlist the help of Tinkerbell and her friends to save it in this action-packed fairytale.


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U Classification

No material likely to offend or harm.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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