Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
109 minutes
English / Portuguese
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Street kids Raphael, Gardo and Rato are embroiled in a dangerous mystery when they discover a wallet in the rubbish dump where they work. Reluctant to help the notoriously corrupt police, the boys decide to piece the clues together themselves. A thrilling game of cat-and-mouse through the favela ensues as they race against the cops to the heart of the mystery. This is a breath-taking, fast-paced drama with friendship and justice at its core.
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This dazzling adventure set in Mumbai is the story of a slum-dwelling teen accused of cheating on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Comedy abut two brothers who find a bag containing £265,000 which they have a few days to spend before the British Pound is replaced with the Euro.
Exciting, gritty Brazilian drama about two teenagers involved in a turf war over their slum, in a world ruled by poverty, drugs and violence.
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Set against the 1984 miners' strike, Billy Elliot is a boy torn between his unexpected love of ballet and the disintegration of his family.
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