Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
115 minutes
Crime, Drama
English / French / Tamil (English subtitles)
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With the Civil War reaching its end in Sri Lanka, Dheepan – a Tamil freedom fighter – decides to flee, heading to France with his ‘family’. He hopes that travelling with a woman named Yalini and a 9-year-old child, Illayaal, will strengthen his claim for asylum, despite the three of them being strangers to each other. Upon arrival in Europe, the trio have trouble in adjusting to new surroundings and a different way of life. Illayaal encounters trouble at school, Yalini is unhappy with her place in the community and Dheepan struggles with constant reminders of his old life in the extreme violence all around him. The film is a brutal, uncompromising look at the harsh realities of immigration and won the 2015 Palme d’Or at Cannes.
Carlos, a Mexican gardener, is struggling to raise his 14 year-old son in a tough Los Angeles neighbourhood, whilst living in fear of deportation.
Unconventional road movie about a group of undocumented teen Guatemalan migrants and their perilous journey to a new life in the US.
Powerful drama about a young man and woman from Honduras making the dangerous journey north to try to cross from the Mexican border to the US.
A unique drama based on the true stories of a group of teenagers seeking asylum in the UK.
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