Into Film Clubs
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90 minutes
English / French / Japanese
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In 1962, French director and film critic Francois Truffaut persuaded the legendary Alfred Hitchcock to sit down with him for a series of interviews to talk about the secrets of his success. The result was turned into Hitchcock/Truffaut, one of the most significant and influential books on cinema ever written. This documentary is the story of those interviews, using original recordings of their meeting to demonstrate two genuine masters of their craft discussing Psycho, Vertigo, The Birds and all things cinema. As well as that, a number of major modern directors enthusiastically dissect some of Hitch’s greatest moments and highlight how he has influenced their own work. Many of the results are surprising in this essential film for any students of cinema.
Acclaimed documentary about American cinema in the late-1960s and 70s.
Sci-fi from legendary director Francois Truffaut based on Ray Bradbury's novel about a fireman ordered to burn books in a future society.
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A retired detective suffering from vertigo is hired to follow the wife of a friend but soon finds himself caught up in a web of deceit and lies.
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