Urban Hymn

Urban Hymn
Urban Hymn

Film Details




111 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama




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Jamie and Leanne are thick as thieves, filming themselves taking part in the looting during the riots in London over the summer. Tough and precocious, they rule the care home they both live in, even intimidating the new social worker placed on Jamie’s case. When the girls’ film gets into the hands of the police, their intoxicating relationship begins to show cracks, through which social worker Kate gets to know Jamie better. Recognising Jamie’s talent for singing, Kate invites her to join her local choir and the two very different women begin to bond over this shared outlet for their hurt and anger towards the past. Meanwhile Leanne, lost and unsupported, spirals into a world of violence and drugs. Inspiring and tragic, the film is a timely exploration of the prejudices and social injustices affecting young British teenagers today.

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15 Classification

Very strong language, strong sex, sex references, violence, drug misuse.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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