Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
110 minutes
Based on a true story, Drama
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After becoming internationally notorious for his public provocations, British historian David Irving confronted academic Debroah Lipstadt and sued her for libel for declaring him a holocaust denier. Under the terms of the British legal system, the burden of proof lies on the accused for libel lawsuits, meaning Lipstadt and her team were tasked with proving that the events did in fact take place, a more complicated matter than might initially be apparent. There was also the issue of whether or not Irving genuinely believed what he was saying, no matter how repulsive. Predominantly a tense courtroom drama, this film raises fascinating questions around ethics, freedom of speech, and whether or not Irving should have the right to question survivors on the stand.
Colonial courtroom drama following the saga of the slave rebellion aboard La Amistad, highlighting the horrors and responses to slavery.
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Harper Lee adaptation about an idealistic white lawyer in 1930s Alabama who takes on the case of a Black man accused of an awful crime.
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