Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
130 minutes
Animation, Drama, Period and Historical, War
Japanese (English subtitles)
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Based on the manga of the same name, In this Corner of the World is a historical anime set in Hiroshima and its surrounding areas during the 1940s. Suzu Urano is a young girl who, in 1944, moves to the small town of Kure (in Hiroshima) at the age of eighteen in order to marry naval base worker Shusaku. Living with Shusaku’s family, Suzu begins to play a large part in the running of the household, including the preparation of meals and rationing of food. As the threat increases in 1945, Suzu attends training against air raids, and the family come together to build an air-raid shelter in the garden. Despite its serious subject matter, this is a warm and gentle representation of war-time Japan, depicted with beautiful hand-drawn animation.
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Bruno is kept in the dark by his Nazi commandant father about the neighbouring concentration camp, until he strikes up a friendship through the wire.
Possibly the greatest war film ever made, this anime is the deeply moving tale of a boy and his sister fighting to survive in World War II Japan.
This powerful drama sees a child separated from his parents during the 1931 Japanese invasion of China and put in an internment camp for foreigners.
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