Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
Comedy, Coming of Age, Drama
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Having been very close to his mother his entire childhood, Billy Bloom is an extroverted teenager who now lives with his father who he shares an emotionally distant and difficult relationship with. Waltzing in to his new conservative high school in America’s Deep South showcasing his trademark flair for fashion, he refuses to let the stares and comments from the other students get him down. But when their harsh words turn in to physical violence, Billy decides to run for Homecoming Queen as a defiant message to his prejudiced peers. Adapted from a young adult novel, ‘Freak Show’ celebrates diversity and having the confidence in being true to who you are.
Moderate violence, discrimination theme, sex references, strong language.
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Tanner is outed as gay by his classmates and becomes the focus of three popular clique leaders anxious to mould him into their very own G.B.F.
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Smart comedy in which a new girl at school falls in with a popular crowd, only to find they are more vicious than any jungle cat.
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The joys and heartbreaks of growing up are beautifully handled in this captivating coming-of-age story that balances emotion with humour.
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Jane Austen's comedy of manners Emma gets a valley girl update as Alicia Silverstone's so-not-an-airhead struggles with love and life.
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