Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
117 minutes
Based on a true story, Crime
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This film tells the true story of two college students, Spencer Reinhard and Warren Lipka, who get the idea to steal a set of incredibly valuable texts from their school library. Desperate to avoid mundane lives of mediocrity, the thought quickly moves from theoretical to practical, as the duo discuss how the heist could be carried out, using some of their favourite movies as inspiration. As the plan develops, they decide that the task is a four-person job, and so recruit two of their classmates – Eric Borsuk and Chas Allen – to assist with the robbery. But with the day looming, one of the gang begins to have seconds thoughts, throwing the entire operation into doubt. ‘American Animals’ is a docu-drama which blends interviews of the real culprits with fictionalised footage, exploring themes such as memory, masculinity and guilt in slick and stylish fashion.
Masterpiece set in ancient Japan about a bandit accused of killing a merchant, though there are wildly different accounts of the incident.
Outsider-by-choice and keen amateur filmmaker Greg is mortified when his mother forces him to befriend a seriously ill classmate.
American ice skater Tonya Harding’s career is put on the line when an attack on a fellow competitor seemingly leaves her implicated in the crime.
Inventive thriller about a gang who hijack a New York subway train and demand ransom, with a transit police officer their only obstacle.
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