Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
130 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Drama
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In 1962, working class Italian-American Tony Vallelonga is a respected bouncer who does his job with minimum fuss. But when the nightclub he works at is closed for renovations for a couple of months, Tony must find alternative work to put food on his family’s table in the lead-up to Christmas. Despite offers from associates, Tony unexpectedly agrees to become the driver of an African-American classical musician who is set to embark on a tour of the Deep South. Though Tony is shown to harbor racist views of his own before the tour, the two men soon develop a friendship and learn from each other’s experiences as they encounter brush-ins with the law, discrimination from venues, and much more besides, in this likeable buddy road movie. ‘Green Book’ is an accessible, entertaining introduction into historical attitudes towards race in the US.
Infrequent strong language, moderate violence, discriminatory behaviour.
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Heartening drama based on the true story of three African American women who rose through the ranks of NASA during the Civil Rights era.
Comedy-drama about a white middle-class woman whose supposedly liberal father struggles to deal with her black fiancé.
Two unlucky travellers are stuck together on a nightmarish cross-country trip in this classic Thanksgiving comedy.
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