My Mum's Got a Dodgy Brain

My Mum's Got a Dodgy Brain
My Mum's Got a Dodgy Brain

Film Details




7 minutes


Animation, Documentary, Short Films




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Featuring narration from three children, this animated documentary shares their real experiences of having mothers with mental illness. Each of their stories is unique and each discuss how illnesses such as depression, bipolar and eating disorders have affected their mothers as well as their own lives. Alongside the difficulty of their situations, the children also share what things have helped them work through their own emotions as well as their positive attitudes towards mental health. This short is refreshing in its honesty and is a valuable resource for discussing mental health with young audiences. The film also includes affirming messages for children going through similar experiences.


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My Mum's Got a Dodgy Brain


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My Mum's Got a Dodgy Brain


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