Into Film Clubs
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95 minutes
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In 2018, the majority Catholic country of Ireland overturned the 8th, a controversial and hotly debated law that only allowed women to have an abortion if their lives were at risk. This film tracks the monumental efforts by a group of women from different areas of Irish culture attempting to win back their rights to abortions before 12 weeks of gestation. Banding together to put pressure on the government from all directions, these women become stand-ins for many unheard voices across Ireland - from academics to grassroots activists to nail salon owners, these stories of feminist independence help emphasise the historic overturning of the 8th whilst providing a rich, contextual background to the specificities and complexities of Irish culture and society.
abortion theme, sexual violence references, infrequent strong language
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Elle Reid hits the road with granddaughter Sage, visiting friends and old flames, in order to raise $600 for the teenager’s planned abortion.
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Inspiring documentary featuring rare footage of LGBTQ+ led protests in the UK throughout the years.
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Based on real incidents surrounding the 1970 Miss World pageant in London, a group of activists hatch a plan to disrupt the event.
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