Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
98 minutes
French (English subtitles)
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Youri is a resourceful teenager and a gifted engineer who lives in Cité Gagarine, an apartment complex named after his own namesake, the Russian astronaut Youri Gagarine. Although he has been abandoned by his mother, Youri is optimistic about the future and obsessed with science in all its forms, especially the concept of space travel. Spending his free time fixing all the broken technology and equipment in the building, which are all on their last legs, he is devastated to find out that Gagarine is set to be demolished and everybody who lives there must leave. Determined to make sure that the building will survive and his community will not be fractured, he enlists the help of his best friend Houssam and the gifted Diana, a local Roma girl on which he as a quiet crush, to defend the building until the end. This stylish French drama explores the meaning of community in the face of marginalisation and how our aspirations can be realised no matter how much the odds are stacked against us.
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In a smoggy steam-powered Paris, young scientist April is trying to finish her parents’ project to invent an invincibility serum.
French comedy about a girl with an amazing singing voice who, in order to pursue her talents, must move away from her deaf parents who rely on her.
A poignant and hopeful classroom drama about a new teacher who comes in to help a class deal with a recent trauma.
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At a boarding school for 'difficult' children in post-war France, a teacher manages to connect with the pupils through the power of music.
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