Catherine Called Birdy

Catherine Called Birdy
Catherine Called Birdy

Film Details




108 minutes


Comedy, Coming of Age, Period and Historical




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The year is 1290 and Lady Catherine (known as Birdy to most), a strong-willed and feisty 14-year-old girl, is navigating through her young life in medieval England. Her father, the greedy and selfish Rollo, is struggling to secure a financial future for his family, and decides that marrying Birdy off to a wealthy benefactor will make his own life much easier. However, the headstrong and tenacious Birdy has other ideas and uses her cunning and creativity to stave off any suitor that may come calling for her hand. When the vilest suitor of all arrives, Birdy’s relationship with her parents is put to the ultimate test. Based on a beloved young adult novel of the same name, this coming-of-age comedy brings an authenticity to medieval Britain and all its archaic traditions whilst telling a thoughtful story of blossoming feminism.


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12 Classification

moderate sex references, violence, upsetting scenes, strong language

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