Double Bill: The Smeds and the Smoos + Superworm

Double Bill: The Smeds and the Smoos + Superworm
Double Bill: The Smeds and the Smoos + Superworm

Film Details




50 minutes


Animation, Family, Short Films




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The Smeds and the Smoos (2022, 25 mins)

On a faraway planet with glossy purple trees, two colourful alien families called the Smeds and the Smoos keep well away from each other, and teach their children to never, ever play together. Afterall, they look different and have strange habits. One day Janet the Smed and Bill the Smoo meet in a forest and something incredible happens – they fall in love! But will their families accept their union? A beautifully imaginative yet simple story about overcoming prejudices, working together and embracing family and friendship.

Superworm (2021, 25 mins)

Meet Superworm, a long, strong, courageous worm with some amazing skills who knows exactly how to save the day. Whether he is saving his friend the beetle from a deep well or the toad from getting in a road accident, Superworm is always there when he is needed the most. However, when Superworm gets too big for his boots and begins ignoring his friends, who will be there to save the day for him? This adorable animal animation puts a spotlight on friendship, heroism and humility for young audiences.

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This film is not currently available to stream, and we no longer run a DVD service. Find a different film to stream now.

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U Classification

very mild fantasy threat, slapstick

Find out more on the BBFC website

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