Into Film Clubs
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117 minutes
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It’s 1994, and Inez, a New York City hairdresser and convicted thief, meets her young son Terry again, a downtrodden six-year-old struggling with being in the foster care system. Upset and determined to start afresh, Inez sneaks Terry away. Over the following years, she has to work hard and falsify documents to keep her little boy from falling into the hands of social services. Inez marries Lucky, a strong father figure to Terry, who begins to really thrive in school. But the city can be a cruel and ever-changing place marked by pain and hardship as well as beauty, and as Terry’s academic talent opens more doors to him, he uncovers truths he never expected. A powerful drama that celebrates the fierce bonds of family and the spirit of flawed individuals who persevere in the face of systemic inequity.
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Inspiring account of a teacher at a US high school that is plagued by gang violence, who resorts to unconventional methods to reach her students.
Suspenseful drama about the relationship between two Canadian-Jamaican brothers growing up in Toronto in the 1990s.
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Widely considered to have kick-started black British cinema, this 1970s film focuses on a black school leaver well-qualified but unable to find a job.
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