

Film Details




135 minutes


Based on a true story, Biopics, Drama, Period and Historical




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In 2020, Isabel Wilkerson published the non-fiction book ‘Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents’, which explores the relationship between race in America following the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the caste system in India and the treatment of the Jewish people by the Nazi party preceding and during World War Two. The book became an immediate bestseller and this film is a unique adaptation of how and why it was written, interweaving important events from Isabel’s life as she grapples with personal tragedies that befell her around the time of the book’s writing. By examining the invisible fibers that connect us as human beings and highlighting the way in which history repeats itself, the film builds an enriching, eye-opening and empathetic case of how to combat racism and prejudice in the modern world.


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12A Classification

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