Into Film Clubs
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104 minutes
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Blur, the Britpop indie rock sensation behind the era-defining 90s hits ‘Parklife’, ‘Girls & Boys’ and ‘Song 2’, hadn’t spoken in almost ten years when frontman Damon invited his old band mates Graham, Alex and Dave to his cottage by the sea to work on a new album. No longer boisterous young men, their desire to produce pure and resonating music remains. Now, this documentary shows how they prepare to take on their biggest venue yet, Wembley Stadium, for an epic concert that will attract dedicated long-time fans as well as new, younger generations who are discovering the power of their anthems. Through archival footage of the band’s early days and behind-the-scenes insights of the band in the studio and life on the road, the film builds an intimate portrait of this ‘brotherhood’, talking candidly about the sacrifice, the personal growth, the success and failure that it takes to maintain a sincere musical relationship over three decades.
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Archive documentary that revisits the summer of 1969 as thousands gathered at The Harlem Cultural Festival to celebrate Black culture, music and art.
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Music documentary which tells of the influential Rock Against Racism movement in the late 1970s.
Biopic of Beatles music legend John Lennon, focusing on his early life as a teen in 1950s Liverpool and the complex relationship with his mother.
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Charming documentary following two fans on their quest to discover what really happened to their folk-rock hero, the mysterious Rodriguez.
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