Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake

Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake
Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake

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180 minutes






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As one of only 602 people ever to have travelled into space, astronaut Tim Peake offers a compelling perspective as he embarks on an incredible journey through our universe. Each episode in this three-part series tackles some of the big scientific questions of our time; Episode One looks at what makes the planets in our solar system so different to one another whilst Episode Two focuses on stars, how they are made and what happens when they die. Lastly, in Episode Three, Tim explores what it is like to actually travel to, and live in, space itself. With his unique experience and burning passion for everything cosmic, Tim Peake is the perfect host for a journey to discover the secrets of the universe.


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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

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