Into Film Clubs
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183 minutes
Based on a true story, Sport
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The game of football famously originated in England, a matter of national pride that leads fans to chant at every Euros and World Cup that ‘football is coming home’. However, the England men’s team hasn’t won an international professional tournament since 1966 and has the worst track record for penalties in the world. Playwright James Graham reimagines the squad’s most memorable and stinging moments of recent years in this dramatisation staged by the National Theatre and recorded live. Focusing on the premiership of Gareth Southgate, the team’s manager from 2016 until 2024, the play journeys through the team’s quest to up their game, while also questioning attitudes to mental wellbeing, masculinity and racism. The staging cleverly manages to evoke both locker rooms and stadiums, bringing the charged atmosphere of these spaces into vivid relief. But at the heart of this reflection on ‘the beautiful game’ is a fascinating study on leadership and teamwork.
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Feel good British comedy following Jessminder and Jules whose shared passion for football brings them together in a local girls' team.
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Moving documentary about American Samoa – officially the world's worst football team – and their attempts to qualify for the 2014 World Cup in...
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A talented but troubled young footballer is convinced to join the England team at the Homeless World Cup, where he must face his problems head-on.
This documentary uncovers the story behind the first ever Women’s World Cup held in Mexico in 1971, long buried for half a century.
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