The Neutral Ground

The Neutral Ground
The Neutral Ground

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83 minutes






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Statues of people in public spaces generally represent figures of historical importance. But if these historical figures have since been condemned for their actions, such as dictators or slave traders, does the presence of these monuments help us remember history, or condone it? And who decides this? Confederate symbols and flags may reference the American Civil War and those who died in it, but they are also associated with white supremacy and racism still present in the US today. In this timely and thought-provoking documentary, comedian and filmmaker CJ Hunt travels around New Orleans to learn about the proposals to remove four Confederate statues and the ferocious backlash this has generated. He meets with activists and campaigners on both sides of the debate, discovering what these inert statues mean to people, why representational bias matters, and who should have the final say on the ethics of preserving history.


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The Neutral Ground


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The Neutral Ground


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