Boy and Bicycle

Boy and Bicycle
Boy and Bicycle

Film Details




27 minutes


Archive Fiction, Coming of Age, Drama, Short Films




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Before he became one of the world’s most well-known and prolific filmmakers, responsible for box-office hits like Alien, The Martian and Gladiator, Ridley Scott directed this short, experimental film financed by the British Film Institute. Starring his late brother and director in his own right, Tony Scott, it follows a teenage boy as he makes the decision to skip a day of school and ride around his desolate hometown on his trusty bicycle. Encountering glorious local landscapes, we hear his innermost thoughts in a stream of consciousness, showing us the humanity and authenticity of British male adolescence in the 1960s and how relatable it might be to modern audiences. For students familiar with Scott’s bigger films, this is a fascinating insight into the humble artistic origins of the most blockbuster of filmmakers.


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PG Classification

Contains mild language and one image of a dead dog

Find out more on the BBFC website

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