The Mathematician

The Mathematician
The Mathematician

Film Details




3 minutes


Animation, Archive Fiction, Comedy, Short Films




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In this slightly surreal and hugely engaging archive animation, a genius mathematician discovers that mankind is heading for environmental disaster. Ignored by all, he sets out to prove it - however the proof, represented by “a little black box”, is taken up by those previous doubters and exploited, ending in complete disaster. Although this comedic short may seem rather modest, it touches upon a lot of concerns in modern times about environmental, technological and existential disaster. Additionally, whilst it may look hand-drawn, this is actually a very early computer-animated animation, possibly the 1st in the UK, utilising techniques that may appeal to art students who are interested in the progression of animation over film history.


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U Classification

n/a (does contain brief depiction of cartoon nudity)

Find out more on the BBFC website

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