Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

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9 minutes


Archive Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Short Films, Silent




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The earliest known version of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, restored by the British Film Institute from a heavily damaged print, is a fascinating silent film full of magical film techniques to create the first ever Wonderland. Beginning as Alice dozes off in a garden, she soon wakes up to the presence of the White Rabbit, following him into a mysterious burrow and entering a strange new world full of both funny and dangerous characters. The Mad Hatter, the furious Queen of Hearts and the grinning Cheshire Cat all make an appearance as Alice looks for a way back home. Startling in some of its special effects methods, this is a useful and entertaining way to introduce young people to the early origins of film and archive with a simple story they may already be familiar with.

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