Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
118 minutes
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Based on a true story, The Elephant Man tells the unforgettable tale of John Merrick. Taking place in the Victorian era, the film shows how a man born with a severe physical deformity is cruelly mistreated as a circus act - before being rescued and brought to London by the Queen's own doctor Frederick Treves. There at last, he finds kindness and hope - but the threat of a return to his old life is never far away.
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An unfinished humanoid created by an old inventor attempts to fit in within his new suburban surroundings.
Adaptation of the famous Charles Dickens novel, about a boy who grows up in a brutal workhouse in Victorian London before joining a pickpocket gang.
One of the first real horror movies, Freaks is still disturbing and provocative almost a century after it was made.
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