Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
156 minutes
Action and Adventure, Period and Historical
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It is said that Helen, Queen of Sparta, was so beautiful, her face launched a thousand ships. When she runs away with Paris of Troy, Helen's husband King Menelaus calls on his 50,000-strong army, which includes the half-god/half-mortal Achilles and sets about waging war on the Trojans. Fierce battles take place as the Greeks lay waste to the Trojan army, who until then were considered the most powerful in the known world. Homer's classic tome The Iliad is brought to life in a muscular, action-packed blockbuster featuring spectacular set-pieces.
Contains strong battle violence and some moderate sex scenes.
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A modern American boy discovers he is the son of the Greek god Poseidon but is soon thrust into trouble when Zeus thinks he stole his lightning bolt.
Spectacular, extravagant epic, with Elizabeth Taylor in a classic role as the legendary queen of ancient Egypt.
Epic adventure based on Greek mythology which follows hero Perseus on his quest to marry Princess Andromeda.
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Based on a Greek myth, this classic adventure follows a band of warriors and their leader on a supposedly doomed voyage to retrieve the Golden Fleece.
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