Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
103 minutes
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Director Alfred Hitchcock is possibly most famous for Psycho - but this brilliant but lesser known film is just as shocking in its way. Teenager Charlie idolises her Uncle Charlie, who always seem incredibly glamorous and exciting - but is he also a serial killer? Teenagers are often passive or dumb in modern horror movies, but this is a different kind of story in which "an ordinary little girl in an ordinary little town" bears a terrible responsibility - because she alone knows the truth.
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The most famous, and possibly the most tense, of the films of suspense master Hitchcock, in which a woman is stuck in a remote hotel in a storm.
Early Hitchcock thriller about an uptight young heiress, Lina, who's deeply in love with her husband but begins to suspect he's a murderer.
Judy Garland stars in this charming musical drama that's also a sharp portrait of family life.
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