Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
130 minutes
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The answer to the question contained in the title of Whatever Happened To Baby Jane is a simple one - she got old, like all child stars do one day. Now the former youthful star of the big-screen lives with her paralysed sister Blanche, who also was once a movie star and still has money, in a spooky house in Los Angeles. Jane hates Blanche, and tries to make her life as miserable as possible - and since Blanche is in a wheelchair, it's hard for her to strike back. This is a wild and weird drama, with two old stars from the golden age of Hollywood, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, giving it their all.
Contains moderate violence and psychological threat.
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The most famous, and possibly the most tense, of the films of suspense master Hitchcock, in which a woman is stuck in a remote hotel in a storm.
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Pitch-black satire about an ambitious young actress hoisting herself up the showbusiness ladder.
One of the darkest portraits of Hollywood ever made, director Billy Wilder's classic film is the story of a fading screen goddess.
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