What's Cooking

What's Cooking
What's Cooking

Film Details




109 minutes




English (English subtitles)


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Few things bring us together as happily as food - but meals among families can have their complications. That's the message of this heartwarming tale about the meals that we use to celebrate family life. The story follows four different (but in many ways similar) families as they each prepare for the traditional American festival of Thanksgiving - one that, like a British Christmas, usually involves a huge turkey dinner. But each of the four families in What's Cooking - one African-American, one Jewish, one Vietnamese and one Mexican - has a certain way of getting their meal to the table, and a certain set of problems. Can what eventually ends up on their plates bring them together?

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12 Classification

This film has one use of strong bad language and moderate sex references

Find out more on the BBFC website

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