The benefits of changing the classroom into a screening space

12 Oct 2018 in Into Film Club of the Month

2 mins
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FCOTM image

Yn Gymraeg

Our Into Film Club of the month for October is Ysgol Craig y Deryn, near Tywyn in Wales. The Into Film Club started in September 2017 and has become one of the most active film clubs in Wales, regularly watching and reviewing films. Club leader Awel Jones tells us about the school's successful film club and how changing the classroom into a screening space can make a real difference.

What inspired you to start your Into Film club?

In terms of starting a club, I wanted to offer something different for the pupils. Rather than a cookery or sports club which have been done in the past, I particularly wanted to give them an opportunity to voice their opinions and experience content they might otherwise not see.

What is the most enjoyable part of the film club?

The children who attend really value the whole experience of the event. We clear the classroom, bring out the big cushions and relax to enjoy the film. We offer popcorn or fruit with a drink during the film. The atmosphere in general for the film club is incredibly pleasant.

What has been the most popular film at your film club?

We try and watch films that the children aren't familiar with, as well as those that deal with difficult themes and situations. One of the ones that stood out on this front was ‘My Life as a Courgette', a very powerful animation.

The most important thing is to make it special, to turn the screening into something unique within the school building.

Awel Jones, Filmclub Leader, Ysgol Craig y Deryn, Wales

As well as watching films, your film club has been actively reviewing films. Do the club members enjoy giving their opinion on what they have watched?

Not everyone enjoys hand writing reviews, but everyone likes to have their opportunity to discuss the content of what they have seen and compare the plots from different films. As a result of this, I have seen an improvement in the reviewing of book titles in their day to day class work.

What are your plans for the future? How do you see your film club developing?

Watching a range of different films inspires the children to want to watch even more varied titles in the future, and there are plenty more to explore.
Inspired by what they have seen, over the next year we intend to spend time producing short films and animations of our own.

Do you have any advice you could give another teacher looking to start an Into Film Club?

The most important thing is to make it special, to turn the screening into something unique within the school building. In terms of the films we choose, I always look to avoid titles that are traditionally seen as aimed at ‘girls' or ‘boys'. Trying to please everyone isn't easy, but it's worth it if you can.

Clwb y mis ar gyfer mis Hydref yw Ysgol Craig y Deryn, ger Tywyn. Dechreuodd clwb Into Film yr ysgol fis Medi 2017, ac ers hynny mae'n nhw wedi dod yn un o glybiau mwya' brwdfrydig Cymru gan wylio ffilmiau ac adolygu'n gyson. Dyma Awel Jones, arweinydd y Clwb yn rhannu eu syniadau a'i barn ynglyn a'r hyn sy'n gwneud ei chlwb yn un mor llwyddiannus, a sut mae gweddnewid yr ystafell ddosbarth yn helpu i greu'r awyrgylch sinematig berffaith.

Beth wnaeth eich ysbrydoli chi i ddechrau clwb ffilm?

O ran dechrau'r clwb, mi ro'n i'n awyddus i gynnig rhywbeth gwahanol i'r disgyblion, rhywbeth gwahanol i glwb chwaraeon neu goginio, rhywbeth a fyddai'n rhoi'r cyfle iddyn nhw i leisio'u barn a'r cyfle i wylio ffilmiau 'gwahanol' i'r rhai y fydden nhw'n arfer eu gwylio.

Beth yw'r peth yr ydych chi yn mwynhau fwyaf gyda'r clwb?

Mae'r plant sy'n mynychu'r clwb yn mwynhau'n arw, maent yn cael clirio'r dosbarth, ystyn clustogau mawr a gorweddian ag ymlacio wrth wylio ffilm. Byddwn hefyd yn cynnig ffrwyth neu 'popcorn' a diod yng nghanol y ffilm. Mae 'na awyrgylch braf iawn yn y clwb ffilm.

Pa ffilm sydd wedi bod fwya poblogaidd?

Mi ydym ni'nn trio gwylio ffilmiau nad ydynt o bosib mor gyfarwydd i'r plant, yn ogystal â rhai sy'n delio a theimladau a sefyllfaoedd anodd. Un o'r rhai y gwnaeth pawb ei fwynhau oedd 'My Life as a Courgette'.

Ar ben gwylio ffilmiau, mae eich clwb wedi bod yn brysur adolygu. Yw'r aelodau'n mwynhau rhoi barn ar beth maent wedi'u gwylio?

Tydi pob un ddim yn mwynhau adolygu yn ysgrifenedig, ond mae pawb yn mwynhau trafod cynnwys a phlot amrywiol ffilmiau. Yn sgil hyn, mae adolygiadau llyfrau yn dod yn rhwyddach yn y gwersi.

Beth yw eich cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol? Sut ydych chi'n gweld y clwb yn datblygu?

Mae gwylio trawsdoriad o wahanol fathau o ffilmiau'n ysbrydoli plant i awchi i ddarganfod teitlau newydd, ac mae yna ddigon o ddewis i ddod. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae'r plant wedi cael eu hysbrydol i ddatblygu cyfleoedd i gynhyrchu ffilmiau byr ac animeiddiadau eu hunain yn y dyfodol.

Oes gennych chi gyngor allech chi roi i athro yn edrych i ddechrau clwb?

Y cyngor gorau o bosib ydy i rhoi cynnig arni a'i wneud yn rhywbeth arbennig o fewn yr adeilad ysgol. O ran dewis teitlau, mi ydw i'n osgoi ffilmiau sy'n cael eu gweld yn draddodiadol ar gyfer 'merched' neu 'fechgyn' sy'n plesio pawb!

This Article is part of: Into Film Club of the Month

Each month we celebrate one Into Film Club's achievements and talk to the club leader about how they approach their sessions.

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