Launching our new Wales on Film resources at the Welsh Assembly

09 Nov 2016

4 mins
Senedd Event, Into Film CEO Paul Reeve and Actor and Into Film Ambassador C
Senedd Event, Into Film CEO Paul Reeve and Actor and Into Film Ambassador C

We're thrilled to announce that our brand new Wales on Film resources - which were launched at a reception at the National Assembly for Wales - are now available to download.

Acting as a showcase for the work of Into Film Cymru, the National Assembly event on 9 November was organised by Into Film Cymru, hosted by actor and Into Film Ambassador Celyn Jones and young reporter Molly (15), and supported by Into Film Ambassador Michael Sheen. In addition, the event saw Welsh schoolchildren and Assembly Members gather at the Senedd to champion the role of film in education.

In the current political and economic climate it is essential that young people from all walks of life can access culture and the arts, not just the privileged few. As a boy growing up in a small Welsh steel town, watching films had a profound effect on me. Films have educated me as much as school has and I think an initiative like Into Film, which enables all young people, regardless of their background, to watch, discuss and make films, is invaluable.

Michael Sheen, Actor and Into Film Ambassador

Into Film CEO Paul Reeve spoke at the event, and we were also delighted to welcome Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education in Wales, who spoke passionately about the work we do in Wales. "Into Film encourages schools to use film as a powerful part of teaching and learning", said the cabinet secretary. "It is highly encouraging that Into Film's work programme is currently going into almost two thirds of schools in Wales providing extra-curricular film clubs in our schools, supporting staff with teaching resources and training opportunities."

Also speaking was leading thinker in education and consultant on educational innovation, Professor Graham Donaldson, who was commissioned by the Welsh Government to carry out a comprehensive review of the curriculum in Wales. Several schools from across Wales attended the event to witness their work on display, and there were presentations from Llanharan Primary and Ysgol Pennant, who spoke about the benefits of a recent Media Literacy pilot project they participated in, which was developed to increase digital literacy and link to new curriculum developments.

Arts and creativity are essential components to a well-rounded education and can be potent tools for teachers to engage learners and inspire young minds.

Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education in Wales

Free to download - and available in both English and Welsh - our newly launched Wales on Film resources showcase and celebrate the breadth of film created in Wales or featuring Welsh talent. The main focus is on Welsh culture, language, history and social issues, and there is a Primary (7-11) and a Secondary (11-14) version. Each version features 3-4 films, with one Welsh-language film included in both. The resources have been linked to the current curriculum and the Digital Competencies Framework.

Taking place on 9 November, the event coincided with the launch of this year's Into Film Festival, which is hosting almost 200 screenings and events across Wales, from Newport to Anglesey. Tickets are free, and some events still have places available - browse our Festival programme to find out if there are any screenings in Wales near you.

Rydym yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi bod ein adnodd newydd "Cymru ar Ffilm" - cafodd ei lansio mewn cynhadledd yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru - ar gael i lawrlwytho.

Mae'r adnodd yma enghraifft arall o waith Into Film Cymru sydd wedi cael ei arddangos yn y Cynulliad ar Dachwedd 9 a drefnwyd gan Into Film Cymru, mi gyflwynwyd y digwyddiad gan yr actor a llysgennad Into Film Celyn Jones ac un o ohebyddion ifanc Into Film Molly (15), a chefnogwyd y digwyddiad gan Lysgennad Into Film Michael Sheen. Daeth nifer o blant ysgol ac aelodau'r Cynulliad at ei gilydd yn y Senedd i hyrwyddo rôl ffilm mewn addysg.

Yn yr hinsawdd wleidyddol ac economaidd sydd ohoni, mae'n hanfodol fod pobl ifanc o bob cefndir yn cael cyfle i fod yn rhan o'r celfyddydau ac eu diwylliant, nid dim ond y breintiedig rai. Fel bachgen a dyfodd i fyny mewn tref dur bach Cymreig, roedd gwylio ffilmiau wedi gadael effaith gref arnaf. Mae ffilmiau wedi addysgu gymaint imi a gwnaeth yr ysgol a teimlaf fod menter fel Into Ffilm, sy'n galluogi holl bobl ifanc, beth bynnag fo'u cefndir, i wylio, trafod a gwneud ffilmiau, yn amhrisiadwy.

Michael Sheen, Actor a llysgennad Into Film

Siaradodd Paul Reeve, PSG Into Film, yn y digwyddiad ac roeddem yn falch iawn fod Kirsty Williams, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Addysg, wedi siarad mor angerddol am y gwaith rydym yn ei wneud yng Nhymru. "Mae Into Film yn annog ysgolion i ddefnyddio ffilm fel rhan pwerus o ddysgu ac addysgu" meddai'r Ysgrifennydd. "Mae galonogol iawn fod rhaglen Into Film wedi cyffwrdd bron i ddwy rhan o dair o sygolion Cymru - gan gynnig clybiau ffilm allgyrsiol yn ein hysgolion, cefnogi staff gydag adnoddau a chyfleoedd hyfforddi."

Mi roedd yr Athro Graham Donaldson, sydd wedi bod yn cynghori'r llwyodraeth ac wedi cael ei gomisynu gan lywodraeth Cymru i gynnal adolygiad cynhwysfawr o'r cwricwlwm yng Nghymru. Mi roedd presenoldeb o nifer o ysgolion led led Cymru i weld eu gwaith mewn arddangosfa a chafwyd cyflwyniadau gan Ysgol Gynradd Llanharan ac Ysgol Gynradd Pennant, a siaradodd am y manteision o'r prosiect peilot diweddar mae'r disgyblion wedi bod yn rhan ohonno - Llythrennedd Cyfryngol, sydd wedi cael ei ddatblygu i gynyddu llythrennedd digidol a chysylltu gyda chysylltiadau yn y cwricwlwm.

Mae'r celfyddydau a chreadigrwydd yn elfennau hanfodol ar gyfer addysg cyflawn sy'n gallu bod yn arfau pwerus i athrawon ymgysylltu disgyblion ac ysbrydoli meddyliau ifanc.

Kirsty Williams, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Addysg

Mae'r adnodd newydd Cymru ar Film, sydd ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg ar gael i lawrlwytho yn rhad ac am ddim yn dathlu ystod eang o ffilmiau sydd wedi cael eu creu yng Nghymru neu'n dathlu talent Cymreig. Mae'r prif ffocws ar ddiwylliant Cymreig, iaith, hanes, a materion cymdeithasol, ac mae'r adnodd ar gael ar gyfer cynradd (7-11) ac uwchradd (11-14). Mae pob fersiwn yn cynnwys 3-4 ffilm gyda film Cymraeg ei hiaith wedi'i gynnwys. Mae'r adnoddau wedi cael eu cysylltu i'r cwricwlwm presennol a'r Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol.

Mi roedd y digwyddiad yma'n cael ei gynnal ar Tachwedd 9 i gyd fynd gyda lansio Gŵyl Ffilm Into Film eleni, sy'n cynnal tua 200 o ddangosiadau a digwyddiadau led led Cymru, o Gasnewydd i Gaergybi. Mae tocynnau am ddim, ac mae rhai dangosiadau gyda tocynnau ar gael. Porwch drwy rhaglen yr ŵyl i weld pa ddangosiadau sydd yn agos i chi.

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