Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle

Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle film still
Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle film still


All ages


Medium (5-11 activities)



This resource, designed to be used across second level, enables teachers and learners to use active learning to explore a range of issues and curriculum areas through the film, Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle. This resource has been created in partnership with Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, the agency charged with
co-ordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland. Stòrlann are delighted to have collaborated with Into Film on this project and hope that the resource will be beneficial to those using it.

This resource comprises:

• Four thematic approaches with a range of suggested activities and discussions that can be cherry-picked or adapted to suit your learners and your teaching time.

• Learner worksheets in Gaelic and English at the end of these notes (Storyboard, Film pitch, The six aspects and Sound on/vision off).

• Accompanying Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle PowerPoint presentations in Gaelic and English, which include stills and clips from the film.


Tha an goireas seo, air a dhealbhachadh gus a bhith cleachdadh air feadh an dàrna ìre, a' toirt comas do luchd-teagaisg agus luchd-ionnsachaidh a 'cleachdadh gnìomhach ionnsachaidh gus sgrùdadh a chuir air raon farsaing de chùisean agus raointean curraicealaim tro an fiolm, Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle. Tha an goireas seo air a bhith chruthachadh ann an com-pàirteachas le Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a' bhuidhean stéidhte airson foillseachadh agus sgaoileadh ghoireasan teagaisg do dh'fhoghlam Gàidhlig a cho-òrdanachadh air feudh na h-Alba.  

Tha Stòrlann fìor thoilichte a bhith co-obrachadh le Into Film air a 'phròiseact seo agus tha iad an dòchas gum bi an goireas seo feumail dhan fheadhainn a tha ga chleachdadh.

Anns a ghoireas seo:

  • Ceithir dòighean-obrach chuspaireil le raon de ghnìomhan a mholadh agus còmhraidhean a dh'fhaodas a bhith air an atharrachadh airson a bhith freagarrach do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus an àm teagaisg a tha agaibh.  
  • Duilleagan-obrach luchd-ionnsachaidh anns a Ghàidhlig agus Beurla aig deireadh nan notaichean seo (bòrd-sgeulachd / story boards, Film Pitch, na Sia Roinnean agus fuaim air / lèirsinn dheth).
  • A chuideachadh Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - Taisbeanaidhean PowerPoint anns a 'Ghàidhlig agus a' Bheurla, a tha a 'gabhail a-steach dealbhan agus clips bhon fhiolm.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • English
  • Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig)

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