Mogu and Perol : ALN (Widgit Symbols)

Me and My World: Mogu and Perol main teacher notes (ALN) thumbnail
Me and My World: Mogu and Perol main teacher notes (ALN) thumbnail




Medium (5-11 activities)

Mogu and Perol is a short film about two woodland creatures who have their friendship tested when they try to share food with each other. This playful and colourful film provides opportunities to explore themes and topics such as sharing, caring, friendship and empathy.

The resource pack below includes a Teacher Notes document that provides an overview of each activity and all the activities sheets packaged into order of activity. This has been developed to specifically support ALN students.

ALN educators / those looking for ALN resources and activities to use with their learners can follow the main Teacher Notes and PowerPoint documents available here : . And then use the Teacher Notes and activity sheets below to replace the suggested activity with their

Additional Learning Needs learners.

This resource was developed in association with teachers from ALN schools in Wales, and we’d like to specifically thank The Hollies, Cardiff for their vision to produce this resource in this format.


We welcome any feedback about the resource so we can look to improve and develop it further. Please email all comments to . Thank you to Widgit for their support in developing this resource. To find out more, please visit


Mae’r adnodd hwn yn Saesneg yn unig ond darperir rhai adnoddau ADY ar ein gwefan yn Gymraeg, er enghraifft :

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Film Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Moving Image Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • PSHE Education

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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