Bandwidth Requirements for Into Film+

Bandwidth Requirements to Stream Films

For streaming on Into Film+ in high definition (HD) quality you will require a minimum download bandwidth of around 3 megabits per second (Mbps), although a download bandwidth of above 5Mbps is recommended. For streaming in standard definition (SD) quality, around 1.5Mbps is recommended.

The Into Film+ service will automatically adjust the resolution of your video image according to the available bandwidth, be please be aware that picture quality will suffer once bandwidth drops below these recommended levels.

You can use an internet speed check service to determine your download bandwidth -

Streaming on Mobile Devices

If you are using a mobile device which connects to the internet over a 3G, 4G or 5G wireless connection, then streaming films on Into Film+ will use your mobile data, which may be limited or carry an additional charge depending on the contract you have with your mobile network operator. If in doubt, please consult your mobile network operator before streaming.

We recommend using a wired or Wi-Fi connection for streaming when using a mobile device, although please be aware that most mobile devices will revert to using mobile data if the Wi-Fi connection drops. If this is a concern, then you should consider temporarily disabling the mobile network on your device while streaming films on Into Film+.

How to manage your school restricting access to Into Film+

If access to particular websites from the local network/Wi-Fi at your school/organisation is controlled through a firewall, router or similar (this could be software on your computer or hardware installed on the network), then you may need to as your IT team to allow access to the following website domains for Into Film+ to work correctly:

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