Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
105 minutes
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There is a tradition in the Italian city of Verona that young lovers leave letters asking for advice under the balcony supposedly used by Shakespeare's Juliet (ignoring, of course, that she was a fictional character). One of these letters, lost for 50 years, is found by Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), who replies to it. The romantic drama features a terrific performance from the great actress Vanessa Redgrave as the woman who originally wrote the letter and lovely Italian scenery.
Charming, offbeat romance about a young tourist who persuades a French stranger to get off the train with him in Vienna to wander round for the night.
Musical about a young woman who's about to be married and is trying to find out which of the men her mother was briefly involved with is her father.
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Loud and colourful adaptation of Shakespeare's classic play about two star-crossed lovers from bitterly feuding families.
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