Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels

Film Details




85 minutes


Action and Adventure, Comedy, Family




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Jack Black stars in this adventure-comedy revamp of Jonathan Swift's classic 18th century story. In his tenth year as a newspaper mailroom clerk and lacking the courage to voice his affection for a beautiful travel journalist, our modern-day Gulliver is at a dead end. In a desperate bid to be noticed, he impresses her with a plagiarised article and is soon sent to the Bermuda Triangle to write another story. On a boat-trip to the ominous area, Gulliver is washed ashore in a mammoth storm. He awakes as a colossal giant in Lilliput Land - an eccentric royal kingdom full of hostile miniature people. Will this Gulliver make the traditional giant leap from village idiot to town hero?


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PG Classification

This film contains mild bad language and sex references.

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