Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
109 minutes
Based on a true story, Drama, Period and Historical
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Sometimes a boxing match is just a game. Other times, the sport takes on a far greater significance. One of those moments happened in the 1930s when two boxing matches between American Joe Louis and German, Max Schmeling not only came to symbolise the struggle between democracy and fascism, but also created the US's first nationally-recognised African American hero. This thoughtful film tells the unlikely story of how a friendship eventually grew between those two very different men.
Tough, emotionally powerful film about a down-on-his luck boxer who gets an unexpected chance at becoming a pro fighter.
Fascinating documentary about the famous "Rumble in the Jungle" boxing match in Zaire, which also sheds light on Muhammad Ali's enduring appeal.
Acclaimed documentary about two teenagers from Chicago pursuing their goal of becoming professional basketball players.
Big-hearted comedy with an all-star cast about an all-female American baseball league in the 1940s.
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